Innovative solutions designed for the offshore environment
A step-change in delivering the energy needs of tomorrow through a ruggedized, proven portfolio that addresses the unique challenges of the offshore energy environment. The OceaniQ portfolio will result in greater volumes of energy being efficiently harvested and integrated into the world’s energy system.
What is OceaniQ?
OceaniQ is Hitachi Energy’s innovative offshore portfolio of products, solutions, and services for reducing costs, increasing safety and improving efficiency for the offshore segment. Combining cross-industry competence from the power and marine sectors, the portfolio addresses applications for fixed platforms, floating structures and sub-sea power systems for wind, marine and other offshore operators.
In OceaniQ, our world-class engineers take pride in pioneering solutions that overcome harsh offshore conditions and ultimately, help society move towards a carbon-neutral future.
Benefits of OceaniQ
Reducing cost & time
Decreasing installation/upgrade complexity and cost with modular, compact and interoperable solutions
Increasing safety & security
Enabling remote operations so that operators can monitor and control offshore assets from onshore
Improving efficiency & sustainability
Resilient renewable energy with greater efficiency and up-time from real-time monitoring and predictive analytics
Game changing portfolio
- Transformers
- WindPass
- Power Quality
- Grid-eXpand™ Offshore
With OceaniQ, Hitachi Energy offers a full qualified portfolio of transformers and services for the offshore industry, for fixed bottom, floating and subsea applications: Wind turbine transformers, transformers for offshore substations, shunt reactors, earthing transformers, components and services.
- Extensive experience of +20 years addressing the offshore challenges.
- Technology pioneer: New generation of giant off-shore turbines, compact solutions, sustainability, floating and subsea applications.
- Powering and connecting the largest wind turbines and windfarms.
The first OceaniQ™ portfolio includes a complete range of transformers and reactors for floating applications.
The 'first of its kind' to surpass the impossible of today…
Waves height
60+ meters
15+ meters
Hardened to withstand marine conditions and qualification for floating offshore
Modal load and fatigue analysis to meet the qualification criteria (all the equipment and individual components)
- Specific focus on structure fatigue effects
- Collaboration with product specialists, foundation experts, and topside experts
- Diverse extreme environments in different locations (US, Japan, North Europe, etc)
OceaniQ includes a full qualified portfolio of floating transformers, shunt reactors, wind turbine transformers, earthing transformers, components.
Reach the full potential of your offshore environment
Wind power is one of Earth’s bountiful and free-giving natural resources and through the OceaniQ offshore portfolio, customers will be able to harness and integrate it more efficiently.