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The VUC types of on-load tap changers come in various models with ratings suitable for most applications. They are mounted inside the transformer tank and suspended from the transformer cover. The VUC types operate with arc quenching in vacuum interrupters.

The VUC types complete the UC family of tap changers with their excellent service record since the 1960s.

The VUCL is the largest of the VUC types and is suitable for transformers up to 2300 MVA with a BIL rating of 1175 kV and a current rating of 1600 A when placed in the neutral point of the winding.

Product scope

  • Base technology: Vacuum, resistance, in-tank, diverter switch
  • Common applications: Network, special, industrial, HVDC


Tap-changer placed in the neutral point of the winding

Other placements of the tap-changer

Highest voltage for equipment (Um)

362 kV

362 kV

Max lightning impulse (BIL)

1175 kV

1175 kV

Max current

1-phase (one tap-changer/phase)


1600 A

2400 A



2400 A

Enforced current splitting
1-phase (one tap-changer/phase)


2600 A


2600 A

Max step voltage

6000 V

6000 V


Why Hitachi Energy?

  • Plug-and-play interchangeability with traditional type UCL only requires diverter switch replacement
  • Unique design with redundant switching capacity in the auxiliary contact system
  • Maintenance in any tap position and without dismantling the shaft system, thus eliminating the risk of failure from improper assembly or alignment
  • Possible to use alternative insulating fluids

Get to know more

Document title   ID
Technical guide 1ZSC000562-AAX
Declaration of conformity 1ZSC000498-ABN
Ordering data form (.xls format)
Please note that this is an interactive form, which can be filled in, saved, and sent to us by e-mail.
Installation and commissioning guide 1ZSC000562-AAZ
User's manual 1ZSC000562-ABE
(V)UC Transport cover for yoke mounted tap-changers - Product information 1ZSC000562-ADN
Accessories and protection devices 1ZSC000562-AAD
Oil filter unit, type HPS 27/27, 54 1ZSC000562-AAF
Oil filter unit, type OLU 1ZSC000562-AAR

Insulating level (kV) Selector Switching type Connection Max. rated through-current (A) Number of positions Drawing number 
1175 3)
III L N 700-1000 5-22 1ZSC004517-AAF 
E, T, B1 1) 1ZSC004517-AAC
B2 1) 1ZSC004517-AAJ
E, T 1300, 1500, 1800 1ZSC004517-AAX
2400 1ZSC004517-ABJ
2 x 700, 2 x 1000 2) 1ZSC004517-ABK
R, D N 700-1000 9, 13 1ZSC004517-AAM
11, 15-35 1ZSC004517-AAB
E, T, B1 1) 9, 13 1ZSC004517-ABS
11, 15-35 1ZSC004517-ABR
B2 1) 9, 13 1ZSC004517-AAU
11, 15-35 1ZSC004517-AAT
E, T 1300, 1500, 1800 9, 13 1ZSC004517-AAY
11, 15-35 1ZSC004517-AAZ
2400 9, 13 1ZSC004517-ABL
11, 15-35 1ZSC004517-ABM
2x700, 2x1000 2) 9, 13 1ZSC004517-ABN
11, 15-35 1ZSC004517-ABP
  1. B1 (1 phase) and B2 (2 phases) are combined components, forming the "B-group".
  2. Enforced current splitting.
  3. Same as 1050, but with different shielding rings. Models are available on request.

Insulating level (kV) Selector Switching type Connection Max. rated through-current (A) Number of positions Drawing number 

700, 1000, 1300, 1500, 1600

5-18 1ZSC026120-ABE 
E, T, B1 1) 700, 1000, 1300, 1500, 1600
B2 1) 700, 1000, 1300, 1500, 1600
E, T
700, 1000, 1300, 1500, 1800
2400 1ZSC026120-ACE
2x700, 2x1000, 2x1300, 2x1500, 2x1600 1ZSC026120-ACF
R, D N 700, 1000, 1300, 1500, 1600 8-9, 12-13 1ZSC026120-ABJ
10-11, 14-35 1ZSC026120-ABK
E, T, B1 1) 700, 1000, 1300, 1500, 1600 8-9, 12-13 1ZSC026120-ABL
10-11, 14-35 1ZSC026120-ABM
B2 1) 700, 1000, 1300, 1500, 1600 8-9, 12-13 1ZSC026120-ABR
10-11, 14-35 1ZSC026120-ABS
E, T 700, 1000, 1300, 1500, 1800 8-9, 12-13 1ZSC026120-ACG
10-11, 14-35 1ZSC026120-ACH
2400 E) 8-9, 12-13 1ZSC026120-ACJ
10-11, 14-35 1ZSC026120-ACK
2x700, 2x 000, 2x1300, 2x1500, 2x1600 2) 8-9, 12-13 1ZSC026120-ABR
10-11, 14-35 1ZSC026120-ABS
  1. B1 (1 phase) and B2 (2 phases) are combined components, forming the "B-group".
  2. 2*1300: current splitting

The drawing shows Drawing number
Mounting on active part 5492 0086-1
Top section accessories, cover, and active part mounting 1ZSC027626-AAA
Drain valve 5492 0083-10
Pressure relief device - flow diameter 130 mm - Qualitrol 5492 0083-15
Pressure relief device - flow diameter 50 mm, standard - Comem 1ZSC003721-AAW
Pressure relief device - flow diameter 50 mm, class C5-M - Comem 1ZSC003721-AAV
Bevel gear (on top section, T-shape) 5492 0083-19
Bevel gear (on top section, L-shape) 1ZSC004021-AAD
Bevel gear (in external drive shaft system) 5492 0083-1
Support for bevel gear (on external drive shaft system) 5492 999-11
Pressure relay 5492 0083-2
Oil flow relay 1ZSC003527-ABB
External drive shaft system 5492 0083-4
Temperature relay 1ZSC003716-AAM
Temperature sensor 1ZSC005333-AAF
Temperature sensor and pressure relay 5492 0083-33
Thermo switch housing 5492 0083-22

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